Sunday, June 23, 2013


The Legend of Zelda videogame series is scored by Koji Kondo. This series features some of the most famous themes in videogame history, and the music is beautiful.

1) The Water Temple theme is one of the most simple themes in the game Ocarina of Time, and it's also one of the most beautiful. This is an orchestrated version of the theme, and it really accents the piece. 
Water Temple 

2) This theme is unique in its departure from the usual Zelda sound. While the other themes feature standard videogame sounds such as synthesized sounds, the Gerudo Valley theme features guitars and other interesting instruments. The piece does an excellent job of creating a tone that fits a new environment (the desert) without having it sound cheesy or forced. 
Gerudo Valley

3) Zelda's Theme is a theme that, like the water temple theme, is beautiful in its simplicity. There is nothing at all intricate or fancy in this piece. The melody is focused only around a few notes, and the key changes are simple and minimalistic. However, the theme manages to communicate so many emotions and feelings. I believe that the true mark of a composer is the greatness of their most simple works. 
Zelda's Theme

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