Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Wow barely snuck this one in on time! So today's is about, you guessed it, heroes. Superheroes are extremely popular in today's culture, and all the films and shows created about them have produced some great scores as well.

1) While Man of Steel wasn't quite the Superman film we were all hoping for, Hans Zimmer did a great job as always on the Superman score. The score manages to capture the innocence of Superman while also capturing his heroism. The percussion is especially spectacular here. It honestly saves the movie.

2) Spiderman was really the first superhero film that started the last decade's obsession with superheroes. Without it, I doubt we'd have as many blockbuster heroes as we do today. While people sometimes bash on these films when comparing them to the newest Spiderman incarnation, I really believe that Spiderman and Spiderman 2 are some of the best superhero movies out there (sorry Spiderman 3). It helps that the Spiderman score was done by Danny Elfman. Elfman was an interesting choice as a composer for this film. Scoring primarily for Tim Burton, his scores are often dark, mysterious, and full of wonder- not exactly what you think of when you think of your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. However, the score is amazing and the theme perfectly fit with Raimi's movies. It really set the standard for what future superhero scores would have to accomplish.

3) Surprise surprise, back to Hans Zimmer. His score to The Dark Knight is just plain cool. An interesting mix of synthesizer sounds, traditional orchestra, and crazy percussion blend into the perfect theme. Christopher Nolan's Batman could not have had a better score. The fact that Zimmer can write music that at once is so simple in its effect and so complicated in its feeling is a true measure of his skill as a composer.
The Dark Knight

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