Thursday, June 20, 2013


If I could only listen to one artist for the rest of my life, I'd pick Enya. Seriously. Her music is so beautiful and so unique. Not much needs to be said about it- it simply needs to be experienced.

1) Watermark is an amazing album. It's full of so many Enya classics, and it's title track is a gorgeous piano piece. It's put together so simply yet so beautifully. Every note is perfection.

2) What makes Enya so unique is that it's New Age music that is at once peaceful but also full of life and movement. The Memory of Trees is the title track of the album of the same name, and it's a great piece that seems to move and breathe.
The Memory of Trees

3) Shepard Moons is yet another great album with a beautiful title track. This song holds a special place in my heart; as a kid, this track would always soothe me to sleep in the long car rides to and from our beach cabin. The piece instantly brings back memories of the misty forest roads and the fun memories had at the beach. Every now and then, I'll listen to it once again to drift off to sleep. It's those moments when memories and music intertwine that I live for.
Shepard Moons

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