Sunday, June 16, 2013

Aurora, Elizabeth, and Lily

1) My very first pick for this 'instrumental' site is not quite instrumental, so we're off to a great start! Aurora is a choral piece by Hans Zimmer written in memory of those lost in the tragic shooting at the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado. The piece is a large departure from the epic, bombastic film music Zimmer is known for, and he manages it beautifully. It's so elegant and haunting at the same hits all of the right emotions. 
"And I suddenly realized that my language was music. And I wanted to write a piece of music that would show the people in Aurora that the whole world was there with them. It was the only response I could have, to put beauty against violence, and that we are all alone in this together. I wanted the music to bring everybody together. Because you can only set art against violence. Use your words, not your guns."
- Hans Zimmer
Aurora (Links to the songs will always be under the notes)

2) The second song for today is Elizabeth, a stirring cello piece from the videogame 'Bioshock Infinite'. It's so sad to me that games often get pegged as being silly time wasters. While there are many games that could honestly use that label, I believe that videogames are just like any other art- there's just as much good as there is bad. The scores from games often get overlooked as well, which is also sad. Composers that score for film often score for games as well, and so many games have great scores. This game features a fantastic score from Garry Schyman. 

3) My last pick for today is Lily's Theme from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. This song absolutely made the movie for me, it's a prefect piece. It's a haunting theme that expresses everything about Lily- from Harry's sadness of never knowing her to Snape's undying commitment to her. I could geek out about Harry Potter for a long time, so I'll just leave it at that! The score is by Alexandre Desplat.

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