Monday, June 24, 2013


Violins, violoas, cellos- these instruments have defined Western music for centuries. They're beautiful, versatile, and amazingly expressive. These selections showcase the best that these instruments have to offer.

1) I was blessed enough to see this performance live by Juli Choi at a recent music recital by my old high school. Her performance of this piece, Julie-O, was fantastic. It's a fun, lively piece that really utilizes all of the cello's tone possibilities. This link is a performance by Juli (thanks to Gavin Smith for the link). 

2) This piece is just cool. Phillip Glass's String Quartet 5 is such an interesting piece. Glass is a minimalist composer who's heavily influenced and changed modern music. This piece has many parts, and it's easy to hear its wide influence. This is only the first movement as well- there are two other additional movements. 

3) Yes, I get this is kind of ridiculous. But I'm posting ALL of Beethoven's String Quartets. All of them. They're so...just listen. 

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