Saturday, June 29, 2013

Star Trek

Yep. I'm a huge nerd. I love Star Trek. So I thought I'd dedicate today's post about the music from both the original series, 2009 film, and the most recent 2013 film. 

1) Michael Giacchino is one of the coolest new composers out there. He's scored everything from the tv series Lost to the pixar movie Up. His new theme for J.J. Abrams' 2009 film adaption of Star Trek is epic, catchy, and versatile. It's a great theme for a great series reboot. 
New Theme

2) London Calling is a piece from the recent film Into Darkness. In it, Giacchino differs heavily from the musical style of the 2009 film by making this piece piano based- odd for movies of such scale. However, it provided a cool yet dark theme for John Harrison (Spoilers: He's Khan. I mean who didn't see that coming). 
London Calling

3) When I hear the original series theme, I'm flooded with memories. I've watched it all my life with my family, and I still watch it today. It's one of my favorite shows, and it always will be. It's a perfect sci-fi theme. This is a cool rendition by three violins.
Original Series Theme

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