Sunday, June 30, 2013

Star Wars

Well since I had a Star Trek day, I have to follow it up with a Star Wars day! It's probably safe to say that John William's score for the Star Wars series is the most iconic film score ever made. It's rousing, unique, and brilliant in every way. 

1) You have to start with the Theme! This is a video of John Williams himself conducting the Boston Pops. The theme is so grandiose and legendary, and along with the giant scrolling yellow title and plot summary, it makes for the most iconic film opening in film history.

2) The Imperial March is the best villain theme ever invented. It's ominous, powerful, and dark- the perfect sound for a dictatorship (in this case, an empire). Played behind the cold, half-robotic walk of Darth Vader provides the perfect backdrop for such a great villain (well until the end when he turns good...spoiler? No c'mon, everyone's seen Star Wars). 
Imperial March

3) The Force Theme is so powerful, beautiful, and simple (hey, like the force!). That's all that really needs to be said.
Force Theme

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